

I.I Introduction

The following document represents a legally binding and complete disclaimer of liability made by Axis Classical Pilates and Gyrotonic (Karen Ness CEO) and recognized by the undersigned client. By signing said document, the undersigned client acknowledges

that he/she has read all provisions of this document carefully; has achieved a clear

understanding of said provisions; has disclosed all pre-existing physical ailments,

conditions, diseases, and/ or other illnesses/impediments that may potentially affect his/

her ability to participate in exercises prescribed by Axis Classical Pilates and Gyrotonic;

and has signed this document in a willful, voluntary, and intelligent manner.

I.2 Recognition of Risk

The undersigned client hereby acknowledges that he/she has willfully employed Axis

Classical Pilates and Gyrotonic to instruct him/her in the methods of Pilates and/or

Gyrotonic and that said methods pose a potential risk of physical harm/ injury if

practiced incorrectly while in the presence of, or in the alternative, outside the presence

of an Axis instructor. In full recognition of this risk the undersigned client hereby agrees

to hold legally harmless Axis Classical Pilates and Gyrotonic (Karen Ness CEO) for any

injuries sustained while under the guidance and supervision of Axis Classical Pilates

and Gyrotonic (Karen Ness CEO) or for those injuries sustained during private,

unsupervised practice of any and all exercise methods taught and recommended by

Axis Classical Pilates and Gyrotonic (Karen Ness CEO).

I.3 Recognition of Pre-Existing Condition and Risk of Exacerbation

Although the Pilates and Gyrotonic methods have been developed and are used for the purpose of rehabilitation of physical ailments, diseases, and pre-existing injuries there is a risk that said methods could possibly lead to the exacerbation to any or all of the aforementioned. In full recognition of this risk, the undersigned client hereby agrees to hold legally harmless Axis Classical Pilates and Gyrotonic (Karen Ness CEO) for any and all exacerbation to any and all pre-existing conditions and indicated on the client profile sheet.